
Edifício NET

Rua Salazares, 842

4149-002 Porto

+351 220 028 916


Núcleo Central, 392

2740-122 Oeiras

+351 211 344 001

Privacy policy

Wednesday, Apr 26 - 2023

Patentree thanks you for visiting our website.

This document is intended to explain the general principles of the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, Cookies Policy and Terms of Use, generally referred to as the "Privacy Policy", within the scope of our Patentree website ("site") and its associated sites, including blogs, in particular with regard to visitors and users (the "user").

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal data of users - registered and non-registered - of the website/Blog, and possible candidates who submit their applications online or by electronic means, with a view to the consideration of job opportunities, internships or similar objectives.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. The provision of your personal data when accessing this website implies knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the conditions presented here.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us directly at the address and email below:

Patentree, Lda.

842 Salazares Street

4149-002 Porto

Tel: +351 220 028 916

Fax: +351 221 112 212


You may also contact us with a view to exercising the rights granted to you, among others those described in this document.


Personal Details

What is personal data?

Personal Data is considered to be any and all data relating to a specific natural person identified or identifiable, called the data subject.

Examples of personal data are: your name, address, e-mail address, identification document number or alphanumeric sequence, location data, or elements of your physical identity, among others.

Processing personal data is considered to be any operation performed, by automated or non-automated means, on these data and involving at least one or more of the following procedures: collection, recording, consultation, use, transmission, rectification, portability and erasure.


What personal data is collected and processed?

Patentree assumes that all the data has been supplied by the holder of the data or that he has given his consent to this. Patentree also considers the data to be true and up-to-date.

Should you have obtained data as a result of your request to attend an event or training course organised by Patentree, we inform you that the data will be processed in order to coordinate your participation in the event/course and, if necessary, to be able to process the corresponding payment.

The legal basis for lawful data processing, i.e. legitimate interest, is the consent that has been given at the time or, failing this, the legitimate interest in matters relating to submissions about Patentree activities. On the other hand, for the assumptions that processing results from a request for a service by the data subject, the legitimising ground for processing is the fulfilment of the contractual or pre-contractual relationship.


How is the data collected?

Personal data may be collected in the following ways:

  • Electronically via website or e-mail;
  • Telephonically;
  • Personally.

The data collected is processed and stored in computerised or physical media, in accordance with the legislation in force.


What is the purpose of the data collected?

The data collected is intended to integrate a database whose purpose is:

  • Response to contact requests;
  • Sending information related to Patentree's activities and marketing;
  • Recruitment;
  • To provide services on behalf and in the interests of its clients and constituents.

Periodically, we may send you information that we consider to be of interest to you, if you have requested this information by means of a form on our website, by direct email or in person. In particular, we may need to use your data for the purposes exemplified below, always in compliance with the legal provisions regulating this, otherwise such use will not take place:

- Maintain information about our activities, as well as any other information related to Industrial Property, Intellectual Property and related rights or new services that we may consider of interest to you;

- Invite to events/training organised by Patentree.


Is your data shared?

The data collected and held by Patentree may be passed on, in confidential form, to the following entities:

  • National or international judicial or administrative authorities, in cases where this is required for compliance with the legislation in force;
  • Subcontractors who will process the data on behalf of Patentree and in accordance with the predetermined purposes.

Patentree does not communicate personal data to third parties unless the communication of data is strictly necessary for the provision of the service, as for example in cases where it is necessary to communicate personal data to intellectual or industrial property agents and other collaborators located in different countries around the world in order to be able to provide the requested service.

There may also be situations in which the publication of data is required by official bodies in order to register intellectual or industrial property rights and to comply with the respective legislation in force.

Who handles your personal data?

Our employees and service providers engaged by Patentree are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.


Where do we store your personal data?

The data we collect from you and for which we are responsible is stored on servers located in the European Union.


What is the data storage period?

The retention period of the data collected and stored varies according to the purpose of its processing.

The data collected and processed by Patentree will be kept until they are no longer required for the purposes of interaction with you or for as long as your registration remains active. If, however, we have had no relevant contact with you within five years or if Patentree considers it appropriate to delete your personal data from our systems before that time, unless a statutory provision or court order requires us to do so or legislation stipulates a shorter storage period. In any event, you may at any time exercise your right to the erasure of your data as the owner thereof.


Your Rights and Choices

Patentree respects your right to privacy and data protection: it is important that you are able to control your personal data.

Therefore, you may exercise your right to update, rectify and delete your personal data, through the email address, and may also lodge a complaint with the competent authority - the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD).

You have the following rights:

  • The right to be informed: You have the right to clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data and about your rights. That is why we provide you with information in this Policy.
  • The right of access: You have a right of access to the personal data we hold about you (subject to certain limitations). We may charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative cost of providing the information. Manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive requests may not be answered. To do so, please contact us at the details below.
  • The right of rectification: You have the right to have your personal data rectified if it is incorrect or out of date and/or to complete it if it is incomplete.
  • The right to erasure/right to be forgotten: In some cases, you have the right to have your personal data erased or deleted. Please note that this is not an absolute right, as we may have legal or legitimate grounds for retaining your personal data. If you would like us to delete your data please contact us at the details set out below.
  • The right to withdraw consent, at any time, for data processing based on consent: You may withdraw your consent to our processing of your data when such processing is based on your consent. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  • The right to object to processing on the basis of legitimate interest: You may object at any time to the processing of your data where such processing is based on a legitimate interest. Please refer to the table inserted in the section "What personal data are collected and processed?", especially the column "Grounds" to identify when our processing is based on legitimate interests. To do so, please contact us at the details given at the end of this Policy.
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory: You have the right to contact the data protection authority authority in your country, in the case of Portugal, the CNPD, in order to lodge complaints against the impermissible privacy and data protection privacy practices of Patentree. Please do not hesitate to contact us for the details below before lodging any complaint with the competent data protection authority, namely the National Commission for Data Protection.
  • The right to data portability: You have the right to move, copy or transfer data from our database to another. This applies only to data that you have provided, where the processing is based on your consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means. We refer to the tables inserted in the section "What personal data is collected and processed?", especially the column "Grounds" to identify when the processing is based on the execution of a contract or on consent. For further information, please contact us at the details given at the end of this Policy.
  • The right to restriction: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data. This right means that our processing of your data is restricted, so we may store it, but we may not use it or subject it to further processing. It applies in limited circumstances listed by the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • The right to disable Cookies: You have the right to disable Cookies. Internet search engine settings are normally set to accept Cookies by default, but you can easily adjust these by changing your search engine settings. Many cookies are used to improve the usability and functionality of websites. If you wish to restrict or block all cookies that are set by our site (which may prevent you from using certain parts of the site), or any other sites , you can do so through your search engine settings, which are explained in this Policy.


Use of Cookies

What are Cookies?

A cookie, or connection witness, is a file of information that is stored on your device, for example a computer, tablet or smartphone, by means of its browser and that records your navigation on a website so that, when you visit it again, you are presented with personalised options based on the stored information, also allowing for faster access/login. Cookies may also be used to aggregate information about the flow and interactions of the website, in order to offer tools that promote better browsing experiences.

If you do not wish to receive cookies that are not strictly necessary to run basic functionalities of our site, you can opt-out by changing the privacy settings of your browser. However, rejecting all cookies means that you may not be able to take full advantage of all the features of our site. If you disable or delete these cookies, you may, for example, need to log out of the page you are on and log in again.

Why Cookies are used?

  • For websites to work more effectively and quickly;
  • To improve the level of security when using some restricted access area;
  • To help gather information that can best serve your interests;
  • Gather statistical information to improve the way it relates to customers and products.

Benefits for the client or user

  • More security;
  • Do not repeatedly receive questions or information you have already viewed.


Some cookies may remain installed in the user's browser for some time and in addition there are cookies that can monitor the user's journey on the Patentree website.

What kind of cookies Patentree uses:

Low-intrusive - is used in user observation, but does not provide any personal information (Google Analytics);


Patentree's use of Cookies

All browsers allow you to accept, refuse or delete cookies by changing the parameters of your internet browser. The parameters can be changed through the specific settings of your internet browser. We warn that refusal of cookies may slow down access to the site and prevent access to certain areas of the site.

If you do not wish to be detected when you visit our site you can do so via the following link:

You can find information about the control of cookies according to your internet browser in the following table:


Data Security

Patentree is committed to ensuring that the security of its data is protected. To this end, various technical and organisational security measures have been adopted in order to protect the personal data provided by the data subject against loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised processing or access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing. Patentree also requires its subcontractors to adopt security measures equivalent to those it applies internally.

Patentree may, however, transmit data to third parties in the event of legal and/or administrative proceedings if so ordered.

Nevertheless, whenever personal information is disseminated via the network, for example when publishing the registration of intellectual or industrial property rights, there is a risk that third parties, whose control is beyond our control, may intercept and use this information. Therefore, although Patentree takes all necessary measures to protect personal data and privacy, we are unable to guarantee the complete security of information when it is disclosed by third parties via the network and under their responsibility.


Content and Intellectual Property Rights

Unless otherwise indicated, the text, images, illustrations, graphics, sound, animations and videos, the graphic design as well as the web design of the site are the property of Patentree and are protected by the applicable legislation relating to copyright and related rights, intellectual property rights and, where applicable, industrial property rights. The content of this website may not be copied, reproduced or altered for commercial or other purposes nor made available to third parties for reproduction. Any use, in any form or by any means, of the contents of the site or of any of Patentree's rights, be it in whole or in part, requires Patentree's prior written authorisation. By accessing our site, the user undertakes not to do anything that might infringe Patentree's aforementioned rights. This website may contain hypertext links to websites operated by companies other than Patentree. Patentree has no control over the content of these sites and accepts no responsibility for it.



The User shall access and use the blog for the purpose for which it was created and, in particular, with full respect for the laws, morals, public order and this Privacy Policy. Specifically, the User undertakes to access and use the blog in a way that does not interfere with the proper functioning of the blog.

The User will also comply with all rules resulting from the application of access and use of the blog, including those that affect access, treatment and transmission of data.

The User shall not use the blog to send unsolicited emails or information or to promote or market, directly, indirectly or through links, own or third party products or services, freely or for a fee.

The User shall not use the blog to assume the identity of a third party or to impersonate another, nor to harass, insult or defame or carry out acts of unfair competition.

The User shall be solely responsible for the opinions, comments, materials, information and/or data that he or she adds, posts, transmits, exchanges or uses through the blog and warrants that such addition, posting, sending, transmission, exchange or use does not violate any confidentiality commitment.

If, as a User, you are accessing the Blog in the name and on behalf of a third party, whether natural or legal, you represent and warrant that you are authorised to accept these Terms of Use in the name and on behalf of that third party.


Use and conduct prohibited

As a user of our website/blog you are under the obligation not to misuse or attack Patentree systems and may be held liable should you do or attempt to do so. Examples of such unlawful behaviour include: a) installing or attempting to install a computer virus; b) breaking system security or testing system vulnerabilities; c) promoting or attempting to promote "denial of service" type actions; d) sending or attempting to send SPAM to any email addresses made available to you for contact.


Suspension or interruption of access

We have the right to suspend or interrupt the access to the website/blog for the period that we consider appropriate or necessary, and for reasons of any kind, which can be, among others, technical reasons, website maintenance, cases of force majeure, or security reasons.


 Changes to the Privacy Policy

Patentree reserves the right to alter its Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes made will be posted on this website .

Responsible for data collection and processing

Patentree is responsible for the collection and processing of personal data on its website.

For any questions regarding this Privacy Policy and to exercise any rights referred to above you may contact Patentree at:


Patentree, Lda.

842 Salazares Street

4149-002 Porto

Tel: +351 220 028 916

Fax: +351 221 112 212


Privacy Policy revised on 26 April 2023

We use cookies to personalise content and ads, provide social media features, and analyse our traffic. To learn more check our privacy policy.